Yoga Journal: 15 Anti-Aging Health Benefits of Yoga That Will Make You Want to Start Practicing Now

Along with the smile lines and gray hair, aging brings changes that are harder to see but very easy to feel, especially during movement. As you age, you’ll encounter general physiological changes in elasticity, stability, speed, strength, and endurance, as well as a different perspective on physical goals. Specific health problems emerge as we age, and these age-related illnesses might affect your yoga practice.

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Nicolette Meade
On Being: Being Peace in a World of Trauma

Recommended Listening

This is one of my single favorite podcasts of all time. I listened to it when it first came out in 2003 while traveling to my first silent meditation retreat. The message has stuck with me this whole time and I think it’s extremely relevant now.

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Project Yoga
Let's get to the root of racial injustice | Megan Ming Francis | TEDxRainier

“I believe our past history can light a way out of the present darkness. If we listen to what this history tells us, then we must struggle through this current moment. We must confront the ways that our actions and our institutions lead to a differential treatment of blacks, even if done unintentionally. Today, people across the United States are taking to the streets and are demanding to be seen not as dangerous but as people whose lives have value and deserve protection.” - Megan Ming Francis

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Project Yoga