Project Yoga Teacher Spotlight: Sarah Geis
Sarah Geis has been with Project Yoga since 2015 and has been involved in several programs working with students ranging from first grade to teenagers. She is currently the Project Yoga team leader at William Howard Taft Elementary, a Cincinnati Public School in the Mt. Auburn neighborhood where she helps teach a 6th grade class yoga, breathing techniques, and mindfulness skills. You will always see Sarah volunteering at our annual fundraiser and she gives her time additionally on our curriculum committee. We asked Sarah to share a bit about herself and the impact yoga has had on her life.
“To lift your spirits, spend time in nature. She will lend you her energy until you become aware of your own.”
How does yoga impact your life?
Yoga impacts my life in a positive way on a daily basis. When I take time to connect my breath with movement on my mat, my body and mind feel 100% better. The practice of yoga helps me to stay grounded and be more positive. It also helps with my anxiety and to keep things in perspective. In addition, I have met so many wonderful people within the yoga community that I am grateful for.
Who do you admire most in your life?
I admire several people in my life for different reasons, one of which is my husband. We’ve been together 29 years and he is one of the smartest, most hard working, loyal and genuine person I know.
Recommended resources/reading that have impacted you?
I tend to listen to a variety of podcasts.
One I would recommend, for women in particular, is “Embodied and Awake” with Allison Rothman who is a childhood friend of mine that I reconnected with.
Another one is “Ten Percent Happier” with Dan Harris which discusses various topics as well as mindfulness and meditation.
I also enjoy listening to “Unlocking Us” with Brene Brown
What is your superpower?
If I have a super power, I think it would be heightened senses- particularly hearing, smell and touch, as well as intuition.
Why do you support Project Yoga?
I support Project Yoga because the mission in invaluable. Sharing mindfulness tools with populations that might otherwise not have access, is important as a collective. I also feel fortunate to be part of such a wonderful community of people that share similar values.
Why is yoga and mindfulness in our community important to you?
Yoga and mindfulness in our community is particularly important to me as we guide our children into the world. Life can be chaotic to say the least. The physical aspect of yoga has many mind/ body benefits. In addition, having and practicing mindfulness tools to Stop for a moment, Take a couple of breaths, and Observe how you are feeling before Proceeding on, can make a huge difference. If we begin with ourselves, teach our children, and grow together as a community, then that’s a start for the bigger picture.
Is there a yoga teacher or yogi that inspires you?
Wendy Andersen, who teaches at Shine Yoga, continuously inspires me. She brings fresh ideas and knowledge to each class, and is creative in sharing her insights. She is an authentic and kind person, and has a true gift for teaching.
What is your preferred yoga style?
My preferred style of yoga differs on any given day. I would say it is a mix between Anusara, slow flow Vinyasa, Yin and Restorative.